Quelle: Wikipedia
Huntington Hartford, George II.,, Unternehmer und Multimillionär (1911-2008).
Maschinengeschriebener Brief mit eigenhändiger Unterschrift New York, 17. XI. 1952, Gr.-4°. 1 Seite.
220 €
An den Schriftsteller Paul Elbogen in Hollywood: "[...] Because of the Interest you showed in my essay 'Has God Been Insulted Here?' [an essay on philosophy and morality (and lack of it) in the arts by one of its foremost modern patrons] as a pamphlet, perhaps you might like a copy in book form, I am taking the liberty of sending you one under separate cover. It seems to me that there are many people today seriously concerned with the condition of the arts. In case some of your friends are among them, possibly you might like to let them know that the book is now available [...]" - Eintragung von Elbogen.An den Schriftsteller Paul Elbogen in Hollywood: "[...] Because of the Interest you showed in my essay 'Has God Been Insulted Here?' [an essay on philosophy and morality (and lack of it) in the arts by one of its foremost modern patrons] as a pamphlet, perhaps you might like a copy in book form, I am taking the liberty of sending you one under separate cover. It seems to me that there are many people today seriously concerned with the condition of the arts. In case some of your friends are among them, possibly you might like to let them know that the book is now available [...]" - Eintragung von Elbogen.zzgl. Versandkosten
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