An den Ständigen Arbeitsausschuß für die Tagungen der Nobelpreisträger in Lindau (W. F. Kiderlen): „[…] I have recently had a letter from the editors of a journal called Chemische Technik, which is published in East Germany, asking if they could publish the lecture which I gave at Lindau. I have now prepared a manuscript of this lecture which I shall send, in accordance with the arrangements you made, to the Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau, Stuttgart, but I thought before replying to the letter from East Germany I should find out from, you whether you would approve of the lecture being published also in Chemische Technik. I myself have no strong feelings in the matter and if you wish it I would be quite prepared to send the manuscript for publication in that journal. I should be glad if you would let me have your opinion on this matter. With best regards to you and Mrs. Kiderlen, and my thanks for all that you did to make the Lindau meeting such a memorable one from the point of view of my wife and myself […]“ – Todd erhielt 1957 den Nobelpreis für Chemie „für grundlegende Arbeiten über die Gruppe der Nukleotide und Nukleotid-Coenzyme, deren Bauprinzip und chemische Funktionsweise er aufgeklärt hat.“