Musser, John Herr, Mediziner (1856-1912).

Maschinengeschriebener Brief mit eigenhändiger Unterschrift Philadelphia, 16. XII. 1901, (26,5 x 20,5 cm) 1 Seite.

Nicht vorrätig

Artikelnummer: 60576 Kategorie: Schlüsselwort:


„My dear Doctor:- I have been honored by a request from Dr. Alfred Stengel to edit the various monographs on Diseases of the Lungs which are a part of Nothnagel’s System. Among them is the valuable brochure which you contributed, and which I have had the pleasure of reading with profit and instruction. I write to ask if it will be agreeable to you to have me carry out the translation and to edit the work. Will you kindly let me have your opinion as to the method of re-production. Would you prefer that I should insert the more recent literature and my own comments in brackets, or have it inserted as part and parcel of your own work without any distinctive sign of the addition. I would be very much obliged for an early expression of opinion, and in the mean time beg to remain, with the compliments of the season.“ – Musser war Professor für klinische Medizin 1898-1912 an der Universität von Pennsylvania.