Born, Max, Physiker und Nobelpreisträger (1882-1970).

Eigenhändiger Brief mit Unterschrift „M. Born“. Bad Harzburg, 24. VII. 1967, Fol. 1 Seite. „Luftpostleichtbrief“ auf bläulichem Papier mit rückseitiger Adresse und Absender.

Nicht vorrätig


An Kenneth Heuer in New York, den Herausgeber von Borns 1968 in englischer Sprache bei Charles Scribner’s Sons erschienenen Lebenserinnerungen: „your letter has been forwarded to me (we will be here in 3388 Bad Harzburg, Hotel Harzburger Hof, until August 15th). Thank you very much for it. I had already suggested to the Nymphenburger Verlagsanstalt, that the American edition should have a different title. Your suggestions do not quite agree with my taste. I dislike ‚Faith‘ or ‚Creed‘ in connection with science. I believe that most of my thinking is based on more solid ground. My wife suggests the title: ‚A Scientists Recollections and Reflections‘, which seems to me quite acceptable. One could also say: ‚My life and my views‘, or something like that, as ‚A physicists life and views‘. Perhaps you find a better formulation of this kind. Please let me know. I hope you can arrange for proof reading without my taking a major part; I am too old and too ill for doing such work. But if possible I should like to see the proofs (to be sent to Bad Pyrmont) […]“ – Die englischen Erinnerungen erschienen 1968 unter dem Titel „My life and my views“; eine deutsche Ausgabe erschien erst 1975. – Eigenhändige Briefe von Born sind selten.